Monday, April 27, 2009

Not Easily Broken

Last night my husband and I watched that movie, Not Easily Broken. If you have not seen it, be prepared to cry and be touched in so many different ways. I will not give away the movie to those who have not seen it. Life can throw some blows and it seems if there is no way out. I know our family has been through so much in the past year. We are in Raleigh NC right now, we getting some of our things out of storage and heading to our new place in Virginia. We were actually living here this time last year without a dime to our name. We were so broke we could not "pay" attention. Our church helped us with some things, a friend helped us with some bills. It was our "Faith" that kept us from falling totally apart. Even though things did not work out in this town for us, we found an amazing church and learned so much and I still stay connected to that. We have our own motorhome now and doing well working for our selves now. God has brought us a long long way since this time last year.
I really am so blessed to have such an amazing husband and he is also my best friend. He is an amazing father as well.
Neither of us are perfect, but we try to do our best and change those nasty generational curses that our families bring us. We bind them up in the name of Jesus. We will start a new generation. We will make a difference. We will not be "Easily broken", no matter what this world throws our way.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

God is AWESOME!!!

You know sometimes life can just get a hold of you and people can try to tear you down and your relationship with others. People come at you in all directions, doing everything they can to make your life difficult and painful. What hurts me the most is when the people who do this are "CHRISTIANS". That is what really blows my mind. I wonder what Bible are they reading because I know mine says not to do the things that they are doing. Yes, I know that nobody is perfect and we all slip up and make mistakes, but years and years of doing the same thing you have to stop and wonder what their motive is behind the maddess they try to create. It is during that time, I just stop and ask God to protect me from the evil ones and help them see that their ways are wrong. I also pray that God show me areas that I need to change and improve as well. We are to love one another and respect each other, but how we forget to do that when we become angry. Our words are powerful and we really need to watch what we say when we are mad and upset. I know it is hard to do that when people are always trying to pull your family apart or just you as an individual. But that is where boundaries are so important, if it is our family that does this to us, we can still love them, but a distance. Friendships?? well, you have to decide if it is a healthy one or not. We can not divorce our families but we can make boundaries when it comes to them. I have seen and learned over the years that just because we are in church everytime the doors open, does not mean we are living our lives according to the word of God. You can go to counsel all your life but if you do not apply what you learn you will not get healed. Some people still hold grudges about others and still have so much anger towards them and that past relationship. You need to let those things go and let God heal those old wounds, so that you can move forward in God's peace and perfect will for your life.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Break 2009

We had an amazing Spring Break in Florida. We had 6 of our 9 kids. It is tough when we do not have all of our children with us during holidays and family time. But as the children get older we have to adjust to not always having all of them at one time. We started out driving our RV to Virginia to pick up 4 for of our kids. We made a pit stop at the drag strip to see my daughter, Emily, run her first race of the season. She had no clue that we were coming to see her. She drives a jr dragster and I was so amazed watching her shine. We left from there and continued our journey back to Tampa. We had to go see my father in law who was in the hospital. We wanted to take a vacation with the kids but due to father in law being in hospital, we decided to do Busch Garden passes. We had not taken the children to Busch Gardens in almost 7 years when we got married. We would go early in the morning to ride the rides before it got crowded and would have to wait 2hrs to ride one ride. We also took them to the beach and of course they could swim at the pool and they went with me to the gym. We had to cut our time short and head north to get the kids back home for practice they were in the Easter play at their church. They had rehearsal on Saturday night. We went to church with them on Sunday morning. The play was amazing and the kids were incrediable in it. We then took them to see our house we are moving into in May. We also had to finish the gift they got for their mom for her birthday that was during the time they were with us. We had a great visit and even enjoyed talking and being around their mom. It is amazing what God can do in our lives if we allow him.
We thank you Lord for providing the means to have a vacation with our children, for having the money to take care of our bills and all of our financial obligations. We praise You and Worship you Lord.