Thursday, February 26, 2009

Healing Part 6 of 6

The sixth and last aspect of Christ's ministry is "to comfort all who mourn". Mourning is not a pleasant experience in and of itself. Grieving our losses causes us to feel depressed or sad. But this process is a necessary step in healing us from the damages of sin. Jesus promises to be "a very present help in time of trouble" and "a comfort for people who mourn.". In Isaiah, He also promises "to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair". This describes what happens after people complete the grieving process, they begin to live again. They are able to feel joy (gladness). Their countenance changes (beauty) because they feel better and have been released from stress caused by buried emotions. They want to give praise to their God.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Healing Part 5 of 6

The fifth aspect of Christ ministry is "to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and day of vengeance of our God". The day will come when Jesus will return to gather His people and reward them for what they suffered on His behalf. Conversely, He will dispense wrath to those who rejected Him. Everyone will receive their just reward, either for good or evil ( Romans 2:5-11). Armed with the knowledge that God offers forgiveness, but that He will eventually punish all evil, enables those who have been hurt to forgive those who hurt them. They realize it is not their responsiblity, or prerogative, to take refenge ( Romans 12:19). Only God can right all wrongs.

I know that there are several people in my life, who just keep doing wrong things toward me and my family. My flesh just wants to keep getting them back, but as I am not the same person I was 3yrs ago, I have to forgive as Christ forgives us, and let HIM deal with them, and not me. It is so very hard for me, because once someone does something to me or my family, CONSTANTLY, I just want to wash my hands of them. That is where BOUNDARIES come into place. We have to tell them, look, if you cross this boundary then it is time for us to stop talking for awhile, or if you act this way, I am hanging up or something to that effect.

Remember only GOD will right all wrongs, if we do, we are only asking for more trouble.

Be blessed my friends.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pastor Guido has passed away

Michael Guido, known affectionately around the world as "The Sower" is now in heaven rejoicing with old friends and new acquaintances whom he met for the first time as a result of his life-long ministry. Quietly, after a final, peaceful day in Candler County Hospital, and surrounded by family and friends, he slipped gently and gracefully into the presence of His Lord and Saviour. His life was grounded in a selfless ministry which he shared completely with his beloved Audrey, his wife of sixty-six years. Together they traveled extensively throughout the United States, conducting evangelistic crusades until they were involved in a near-fatal automobile accident. Following a lengthy stay in an Atlanta hospital God moved in their hearts to begin a radio ministry while returning to Metter, Georgia.
From that seemingly simple decision, a radio program is now broadcast on 435 radio stations and has evolved into a television ministry that is carried on one hundred television stations as well as cable and satellite systems and the Armed Forces Radio and Television Network. Each month nearly 32,000 homes receive Sowe r publications, and the popular "Seeds From the Sower" is published in over 1,500 newspapers. Wikipedia states that Metter, Georgia," may best be known as the home of ‘The Sower’ who has delivered short evangelical Public Service Announcements on late-night television shows nationwide for decades. His studios are located at Guido Gardens, where a large holiday light show takes place each Christmas season. The multiple camera angles and delightful introduction music in his commercials are of high acclaim."
Although 94 years old at the time of his death, Mr. Guido was working on three new projects. One was a cartoon strip for children, another was a crisis ministry intervention team that would be available to respond to accidents, natural disasters and emergency situations wherever they occur. However, his most important concern in the last moments of his life was for his Guido Center for Christian Training. He deeply believed that training others to do what he did in ministry and in serving His Lord would be the greatest legacy he could leave. His final vision was to construct a classroom for the Center and name it the Audrey F. Guido Educational Building. In fact, the final prayer that he prayed in public with two of his friends was that "God would give me this mountain to train soul-winners." To accomplish his dream, the Ministry is suggesting that donations to build the facility be made to the Guido Evangelistic Association in lieu of flowers.
There will be a viewing of Dr. Guido in the Hamstra Worship Center on the campus of Guido Gardens on Saturday, February, 28, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. until8:00 p.m. A service of praise and worship for the countless "Friends of the Sower" is scheduled for Sunday, March 1, 2009, at 3:00 p.m. in a tent that will be erected on the Campus. "Mr. Michael" is survived by his wife Audrey and Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Guido, his brother and "sister-in-love". "Larry" is his successor and the president of the Guido Evangelistic Association.

Healing Part 4 of 6

There is a second way that the enemy keeps us captive. In addition to encouraging addictions that can persist long after people accept Christ, Satan also blinds people to truth, effectively keeping them prisoners of the dark. But Christ wants to release us from the captivity of darkness. This forth aspect of His ministry, "to proclaim release from darkness to the prisoners",is what we will now consider.

Scripture states that Satan has the power to blind unbelievers (2 Corinthians 4:4) and does so very effectively, preventing them from seeing the truth about Christ and His Kingdom. But at salvation, Satan's power to keep people in the dark is removed. In addition to be set free from the dominion of Satan, we are also set free from the darkness of unbelief. Now, we have the capacity to see things clearly.

But Satan's blinding activities continue to exist and can remain effective even after people accept Christ. These activities occur directly through spiritual attacks, and indirectly through a world system of lies that Satan retains control over until Christ returns. These strategies are intended to confuse and mislead Christians, keeping them away from Christ, and in effect, prisoners of the evil one. Over time they evolve into belief systems, strongly held emotional convictions that shape our view of the world, others and ourselves. Though believers now have the capacity to recognize these lies, they often fail to because they have not "trained themselves to discern good from evil". Jesus came to lead us out of the darkness into the light. The light is the truth. It is the truth that sets us free. Part of the process of healing the damages of sin involves increasingly replacing wrong beliefs with the truth.

When I first studied these verses in Isaiah for healing I realized that everyone had all these needs, and were in need of healing in each area. If we are all honest with ourselves, there are things in our lives that we need healing from.

Everyone needs Christ for salvation, and for forgiveness and deliverance from sin. Everyone needs to process unresolved pain and learn how to deal with emotions correctly. Everyone needs God's direction and power to deal with the addictions and unhealthy defense mechanisms they use to deal with pain. Everyone also needs help replacing wrong beliefs with the truth.

Isaiah 61:1-2 describes the recovery Christ brings to all people, and His ministry is designed to provide healing in all areas.

Built into Christ's ministry was a recovery process that heals the damage of sin. During His early ministry, Christ introduced a restorative process that roughly parallels the early stages of human relational/emotional formation identified by many childhood development specialists. This restorative process, carried out into a small group that imitates many of the dynamics of the family-of-origin, provided a safe environment for dealing with wounds and reinforcing the tasks associated with healthy development.

We must remember that Jesus does not deliver us from all of the damage instantaneously. Though forgiveness is granted at the moment of salvation, it may take time for people to fully realize it or appreciate it. The other areas (unresolved pain, addictions, defense mechanisms, and false belief system) may take even longer to correct. In truth, some of these may be so ingrained that we struggle with them for the remainder of our time on earth. But for sustained spiritual growth to occur, we must continue to heal from the damages of sin in these areas.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Pray for Pastor Guido and his wife

Pastor Guido and his wife are very dear loved friends of ours in Metter, Ga. Please join me and others in prayer for them.

February 19, 2009
Dear Friends of Michael and Audrey:
These have been difficult days for each of us who know and love Michael and Audrey. To see, to watch, to learn, to hear that their condition is not improving has been, at times, a real test of my faith. Having been with Michael for these past three years has enabled me to participate in an actual “laboratory offaith” as I observed first hand how a man of complete trust behaves before God.
Having seen God answer his humble and at times halting prayers, having my faith totally challenged by my doubting humanness, bringing seemingly impossible requests to the throne of grace only to learn of a miraculous answer that would be difficult to believe, being with him as he wept for the restoration of his beloved Audrey’s mind, watching him pray with the throngs who filed through the Chapel at Christmas, listening to him preach God’s love while in a state of altered consciousness during a visit to the hospital, I wondered what would be the next phase in the high calling of his life in Christ Jesus…
In His mercy, thankfu lly, He keeps His best from us. Even though I would, at times, have appreciated more “before the fact” announcements from Him informing me of what was about to happen, that has never been His way of managing me. It has always been “wait until you realize that you can do no more, especially in your own strength.”
Yesterday was a particularly hard day. On Tuesday we went with Michael to see his physician. During the examination of his diabetic feet, his congested lungs, his failing vision and hearing, his memory lapses, Dr. Beville said, “It’s time for hospice. There is nothing more that can be done medically except to make him comfortable. His toes are not healing and he may even lose one more. His heart is too weak to do its healing work. I have done all that there can be done medically.”
So I met with the hospice staff that afternoon to learn of their program. Carefully, they explained how they do their “work of compassion”. Each step in the process, how their care was not our giving up or giving in – but for us have their assistance in the decision-making process in a well managed program for additional care. After a lengthy discussion I told them I wanted one more day of prayer before I would make a final decision.
We then met in the morning and I signed the necessary papers and the hospice care began.. But all through the day and night my heart controlled my mind. “Is this your lack of faith and trust? Would Michael have consented if this were you? Did he not want you to take him to a specialist in foot care in Savannah? "Co
uld you take me to Mayo one more time for my vision? Maybe they could do something for my feet.” I slept little during the hours of darkness.
When I awakened this morning the first order of the day was to get a report. It was not a good night for Michael; the pain, the fluid build up, the restlessness. Fortunately, the care giver was able to call hospice for instructions on what medications to give to Michael from those that they had left that afternoon.Thankfully, they enabled Michael to have a night of good rest and sound sleep. I give thanks to God for the decision. It seemed to be a benediction on what I had done.
I have asked our Board of Trustees to meet in Metter thisSunday at 3:00 p.m. to pray for Michael and Audrey. Will you, at this time, join with us to uphold them in His grace, mercy and love and to strengthen them in body and mind.
Thank you, and be blest.
-Larry Guido

Healing Part 3 of 6

The third aspect of Christ's ministry is " to proclaim freedom to the captives". Through His death and resurrection Christ defeated Satan and set His people free. There are two dimensions that were affected by this liberation. The first deliverance occurred in the spiritual realm and has a spiritual application, the second occurs in everyday life and has a very practical application.

In scripture the spiritual dimension is also referred to as "the invisible realm". Though we can't see this dimension, it is very real and substantial place. In this realm, Christ set us free in a very real and dramatic sense. Scripture asserts emphatically that believers have been "delivered from the dominion of Satan and brought into the Kingdom of God." This deliverance means that Satan no longer has the legal, or moral, right to control or condemn the children of God. We may or may not experience this new freedom, but it remains true and substantive nonetheless. The implications are profound! The Kingdom of God is a place of freedom. We are no longer slaves to sin. (Romans 6:6, John 8:31-36), no longer captives.

But Christ also intends that we experience His freedom in the visible world. It is not enough that we simply understand the truth that the evil one no longer has authority to control and manipulate us, or that indwelling sin no longer dictates our choices. Christ wants us to experience this truth regarding our deliverance in a real and substantial way. There is a practical dimension involved in this deliverance.

Though legally defeated, Satan continues to exert his control over people, holding them captive in two ways. The first way is through the "schemes of the devil", habitual strategies that we embraced in an attempt to offset the effects of sin. They evolve into addictions and defense mechanisms that people use to address unresolved pain. If we continue to use old mechanisms to deal with our pain, rather than rely upon Christ, we remain (literally) in bondage to them, to sin, and to the evil one.
This passage reminds us that Jesus came to set us free from these unhealthy ways of living. Through His guidance and power we can recognize and replace these unhealthy practices with more effective and healthy ways of living.

Don't you want to be released from those things that are holding you back from moving forward in PEACE!!! PEACE<>How amazing would it be to feel TRUE PEACE in our hearts and souls. To live with others in peace and love. To work through all of the old junk, and no longer let that stuff hold us back from an amazing future with blessings and peace. Though it was painful to go through the junk in the past, to go through it and work it out and be released from it FOREVER, would be worth the pain one more time, and to never have to go back to it AGAIN>>>NEVER!!!!!!

MY LIfe:
This is one example of what I was freed from:
Things in my child hood that I held onto or never told anyone about. I carried all of this pain and shame around with me for years. I finally let it out three years ago. I was sexually molested several times when I was very young. I never told. I thought that nobody would believe me, and I felt like the black sheep of my family and did not think that anyone would care. I then went through a Celebrate Recovery class in our church, and with counsel was freed from those feelings. I then with my husband, taught the celebrate recovery class. As I have talked with teens girls that were in the program where my son was to find that almost every one of them had been molested at some point in their life......WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have to work through that junk and be released from Satan's hands. If you carry that around with you and never get freed, it will affect your relationships. So why wait another minute start today..........take the first step in releasing those things today.

If you need someone to pray with you about this, I would love too. Just leave me a comment or email me your number and when to call and I will.

Be blessed today...................

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Healing Part 2 of 6

The second part of Christ's ministry is "to bind up the brokenhearted". In this passage, "brokenhearted" refers to people who have been deeply hurt(wounded-in-the-heart) and in need of substantial emotional healing. Taking our hurts directly to Christ promotes healing. He is, after all, a suffering servant who understands our hurts.

Hebrews 4:15-16
Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way,just as we are....yet was without sin.

But Christ also means for His church to be a place where healing can occur.

I Corinthians 12:25,26
so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

What is your response when a fellow Christian is honored? How do you respond when someone is suffering? We are called to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. (Romans 12:15) Too often, unfortunately, we are jealous of those who rejoice and apathetic (you show no interest)toward those who weep. Believers are in the world together-there is no such thing as private or individualistic Christianity. We should not stop with enjoying only our own relationship with God; we need to get involved in the lives of others.

Wounded people need a safe environment where they feel emotionally protected as they express their hurts and receive validation from caring friends. People need to be able to grieve their losses in the presence of their Lord, and also in fellowship with His people.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

24 years ago whole life was changed

It was 24 years to the day that my whole world came crashing down. Life was a challenge as it was. My dad has been remarried for a year, so now I had a new family. I was adjusting to living with a new mom, and 2 step brothers. I grew up with sisters, not brothers. I was in a new town, new neighborhood, new school, new friends, and I had to wear a back brace for my scoliosis. So as you can see I had alot of adjusting to do. Valentine's day had passed a few days before and I had been fighting with my mom. I would go and visit her on the weekends and she had told me that I did not appreciate anything that she had done for me. I bought her a Valentine's card saying " I appreciate all that you do for me". I had no idea that I would never be able to give her that and tell her that I was sorry for being a brat. The phone rang that night and my dad came to my room and said we gotta go right now. I was like "go where, why do we have to go right now? what is wrong?" He would not say a word to me. My neice had gotten hurt a few days before so I thought it was her, since we were heading in the direction of her house (my mom lived that way too). My dad would not let me listen to the radio, and my step mom kept looking in the back seat at me, and it was the longest ride to Clearwater South Carolina, in the silence of the night. We pulled up at my mom's cousins apartment, and my sister lived across the street. I am still thinking something happened to my neice. We walk in and everyone is there and they all had these long faces, and my dad told me to sit down. He said, "Jennifer, there has been an accident today." At that point, I realized my mom was not there and my heart was racing and I had the biggest lump in my throat. He went on, " your mom died today". I lost it. I could not believe that such a thing could happen. WOW!!! I did not see that one coming, I was numb from my head to my feet, and everything became a blur. I was like how did she die, I was given no details at the time. My middle sister had always lived with her dad and did not see my mom much,which is very understandable.

My mom:
She was manic depressive, bi-polar, an alcoholic, and had many men in her life. My parents divorced when I was in the 1st or 2nd grade. I had lived with my dad. My mom was in and out of my life, and refused to take her meds for her depression. She had her highs and lows. On her good days she was the most loving mom a child could want. On her low days, she was your worst enemy. I was always angry at her, you see...........she killed herself. I could never ever understand why she would do such a thing.

My step mom wanted me to get some counseling, but I refused and would tell me dad I was fine. But the truth of the matter, I was not fine. I remember my mom going to counseling, and I thought that if I went, I was saying that I was crazy like her. To be honest, I was dying inside and did not know how to handle it. It changed who I was as a person. Not knowing at that moment that it was going to shape the rest of my life. Up until three years ago. I was in counseling when my son was put in a Christian home for troubled teens. As a family, we had to go to counseling and parenting every week. I learned alot about myself, and all the bad junk I had in me. I had to break generational curses off of my life, and plead the blood of Jesus on my life and my childrens life. I have studied the sickness that she had, and understand now that she was very sick and without the proper meds, she was not herself. I have learned that things in our childhood shape who we are, unless we get help. But its more than getting help, you can go to counseling for years and years, but if you do not apply what they teach you then you will not be freed from your past. I am still working on somethings, and have been freed from alot. I am no longer angry with her. I wish that there were people who would have stepped out of the box to help her. I guess that is why I step out of my box so much and tell my story of my life, in order to help someone else be freed from their past.
I am still a work in progress.
I get very moody this time of year of her death. But I prayed the other day for God to help take away any hold on me during this time.

God has a plan for each of us, none of us are here by mistake. Before she died, she had gotten into church and was baptised. She was trying to living a Christian life, but as we all know when we make a choice to walk with God, Satan will hit us from every corner. We need people there to encourage us in our daily walk, especially as new believers. I want to be that person to help and encourage others in their walk, but make no mistake, I am not perfect either. Only God is perfect, and I will make mistakes still, but I try very hard to live my life according to the Bible.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Healing........ Part 1 of 6

Isaiah 61:1-4
The Year of the LORD's Favor

1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me,
because the LORD has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners, [a]

2 to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor
and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,

3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness
instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the LORD
for the display of his splendor.

4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins
and restore the places long devastated;
they will renew the ruined cities
that have been devastated for generations.

Today, this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing, that HIS ministry was designed, at least in part, to bring about healing from emotionally-based problems that result from damages of sin. In these verses, Jesus mentions six components of HIS ministry that relate to healing emotional issues:

1. Proclaim the Good News to the poor.

2. Bind up the brokenhearted.

3. Proclaim freedom to captives.

4. Proclaim release to the prisoners from the darkness.

5. Proclaim the year of the Lord's favor/day of vengeance.

6. To comfort all who mourn.

The first aspect of Christ's ministry that contributes to recovery from "emotional damage" is the Gospel message, or Good News. He proclaimed his love and forgiveness wherever He went, seeking to draw people to Himself for salvation. Becoming a Christian is foundational to the recovery process. Non-believers can heal to some degree, but people can not heal fully until they experience HIS forgiveness and the new birth He offers.

A lack of forgiveness is a root cause of ongoing feelings of condemnation, and detrimental to the recovery process. To fully experience healing, we must receive forgiveness from God, forgive ourselves and forgive others. Jesus' death and resurrection provides the only real basis for substantial forgiveness.

It is not coincidental that God's offer of forgiveness was directed toward the poor. Everyone needs forgiveness, but people who have experienced poverty in any of its forms, are usually more aware of their need for help and forgiveness. The ability to acknowledge and receive forgiveness as a free gift from God through Christ, is the starting point for further recovery.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Treasures in Heaven

Matthew 6:19-21 (NIV)
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

I have read this scripture before. It was not until we went back to our home in Virginia to find it flooded. The hot water pipe busted and our home felt like a sauna. The ceiling fans were drooping down and mold was growing on our furniture. We lost pretty much all of our furniture, TVs, clothing, bedding, personal pictures, and belongings that can never be replaced. We had only been in this home for a month. The house was such a mess, and our child(John 4yrs and Noelani 2yrs) looking around and not understanding why at first they could not come in the house. We had to get the power off to the house and the basement was a foot deep in water. WOW.......that was a shocker. I started cleaning up the next day, and trying to hang onto everything that I could. The next day, my husband told me you can't take that or this, and that was hard. All that I could think about was how hard we worked to have what we had, and how hard it was going to replace all of those things, because of our finances. No mattresses, no bedding, no living room furniture, nothing that we needed to set up a house again. Then, I started thinking that well what is God wanting me to learn from this? To not hold so much value to those material things, that I need to place more value in the Word of God, and to have faith. I need to have faith that God will provide for our needs. HE ALWAYS HAS!!! When it is time to move into a new home, He will provide what we need when we need it. So, I did the hardest thing...............................I walked away...................and left those material things there. We saved what we could and put the rest in storage. I am ready for the next adventure in our life that God is preparing us for...................

When the flood waters come and the storms come crashing in, how do we stand the water? It is really not about he storm, its how we react to the storms, our hearts and our attitudes. I could sit and mope about the lose or I can keep on rejoicing the Lord and know that he will provide ten fold what we lost, if that is HIS will for our family.